When comparing coverage, it’s easy to see that the Monomoy product is equal to or superior to the MA FAIR Plan in all categories and saved this homeowner over $500!

This is a 2nd home in Orleans, MA that was built in 1959 and is within 2 miles from the coast. The Monomoy homeowners insurance coverage is a favorable option for the homeowner and the savings is significant.

CoverageMA FAIR PlanMonomoy
Dwelling CoverageProvides coverage for the structure including the walls, floors, ceilings, etc.$350,000$350,000
Other StructuresProvides coverage for detached structures on your property including; shed, fence, garage, pool etc.$35,000$35,000
Personal PropertyProvides coverage for your personal property including furniture, clothing, etc. This coverage provides coverage not only at your home but away from your home and anywhere in the world!$262,500*$262,500
Loss of UseProvides coverage when you home can no longer be occupied due to a covered loss i.e. fire. This coverage provides necessary increased living expenses incurred by you while your home is being repaired.$105,000$105,000
Personal LiabilityProvides coverage for bodily injury and property damage for damages that you are legally liable for.$500,000/$5,000$500,000/$5,000
Medical PaymentsProvides coverage for medical expenses to those injured at your insured location.$500,000/$5,000$500,000/$5,000
All Peril DeductibleApplies to any loss to your structure or belongings except when damage is caused by a Hurricane.$2,500$2,500
Windstorm/Hurricane DeductibleApplies to any loss to your property caused by a named storm or hurricane named by the National Weather Service. Named StormHurricane
Inflation GuardIncreases your dwelling amount each year by a specified percentage to keep up with the rising cost of construction.$38Included
Water Back Up & Sump DischargeThe Monomoy enhancement endorsement provides $10,000 of coverage for water or waterborne material which backs up thru sewers or drains. It also covers if water overflows from sump pumps and related equipment.$5K limit; $102$10K limit; Included
Total Premium $2049$1490

*Endorsements included if available. This list is subject to exclusions, limitations and changes.

  • Increased Limits on Loss Assessment & Special Limits of Liability
  • Increased Personal Property
  • Credit Card, Forgery & Counterfeit Money
  • Refrigerated Property
  • Identity Fraud
  • Lock Replacement (not available with MPIUA)
  • Loss by Theft, misplacing or losing of Jewelry
  • Loss by Theft of silver, gold, platinum or pewterware
  • Increased Limits on Debris Removal, Fire Department Surcharge & Watercraft (including trailers & engines; not available with MPIUA)